Why Don’t We Have A Phone Number?

We do actually have an office number, but we like to keep it on request.


#MartialArtsDoneRight has been immensely successful in disrupting the UK Martial Arts market, but do this effectively with very low premiums and a focus on affordability, we have to limit the number of staff required to run our operations. We already have nine team members working behind the scenes to deal with queries, requests, purchases, registrations and so on. Unfortunately phone lines are incredibly inefficient. It’s not uncommon for the team to field twenty to thirty calls a day, all of which are no doubt redirected to the website for purchase and sign up, or all of which require a follow up email or system action from the team to complete the request.

We are very happy to speak by phone. But to ensure we don’t have the team tied up on calls all day which would mean more staff and higher costs to you, and to also ensure as an alternative that you don’t call us and constantly go to voicemail, we make our phone number available on an appointment basis only. This means you can speak to our policy and operations expert who will have the authority and expertise to deal with any questions or requests in full first time.

This is a very modern response to the way our industry needs to move long term. The cost of manually transacting business with you would add in some instances 40% more to the price tag and we don’t want to go in that direction. If you need to speak with us and it can’t be dealt with by email, WhatsApp, Messenger or any other form of contact, please schedule this with our in-house expert below.

In our experience, 95% of queries and issues can be easily dealt with remotely and it will allow us to help you much, much faster. If you do reach out to us by email, messenger or SMS etc and we think it requires a call to discuss further, we’ll be happy to do that immediately and to jump you to the top of the queue. We can often provide responses the same day or next day, 7 days a week by digital means.